Osoberry School Philosophy

Osoberry School is founded on a mission to provide meaning and wellbeing not just for the kids, but the teachers and families too. By focusing on the health and happiness of these three players within a school community, we provide a space to elevate the experience of everyone in our community.

"Our experience at Osoberry School is like night and day from our kid's previous school. She's excited to arrive each day and wishes she could attend even more days! At home we see her engaging in a different kind of play and thinking that she's obviously learning at school. It's been amazing!"

-Parent of a 2nd grade Osoberry student

How We Get There

For the Kids

Deep, Meaningful Academics

In small groups we are able to go deep with academics. Teachers at Osoberry School use a holistic approach to education and weave the arts and sciences into the daily routine. For math and language arts, kids move into groups based on strengths and areas of growth so we can focus on just what they need. Teachers use hands-on, experiential, and relevant activities to spark curiosity. They teach the power of using courage to show up for juicy struggles and challenges and celebrate the satisfaction of a job well done.

Social Connection

Happiness and inner balance always come back to strong social connections. At Osoberry School, we prioritize these connections through play, multi-age classes, cross-class connections, and time working on meaningful activities together. We teach group decision making strategies and conflict resolution skills that put the relationship first.


Play is a fundamental part of being a kid, and supports development in creativity, problem solving, risk taking, emotional regulation, and self-esteem. At Osoberry School, we value play as equal to academic work, and always prioritize time for it.

Freedom to Explore Interests

Kids at Osoberry School are given time and space to explore personal interests during Choice Time. This is when you’ll find kids experimenting with an art technique, tapping out a song on the keyboard, engineering a house for their stuffed animals, and so much more.


As little as two hours a week spent in nature greatly improves your emotional wellbeing. Kids at Osoberry School spend at least one hour outside every day, and spend every Friday immersed in rich nature play and exploration.

Stability and Routine

Stability and routine in our days provides a safe container for exploration and engagement in rich, satisfying challenges. Most of our time together is structured in a reliable routine that puts the kids at ease. They know when breaks are coming, when we will tackle a juicy challenge, and when they get to explore their own interests freely. We begin and end our days with group meetings that provide connection, warm-up time, and closure.


When kids are given respect as unique and important beings, they are able to show up as their best selves.

At Osoberry school, teachers show respect by:

Kids show respect by:

For the Teachers

Time to plan

Teachers at Osoberry School are given ample time throughout the week to do the important work of planning for their lessons. Most Fridays are a planning and collaboration day for teachers. Afternoons Monday-Thursday are a free time for teachers to prep, coordinate, and communicate with families.

Regular breaks

Just like kids need regular breaks to recharge, so do grown-ups. Teachers at Osoberry School have regular breaks throughout the day to take care of themselves and recharge.

Respect and esteem

Teachers at Osoberry School are highly valued for their dedication and training in education. They are given time and autonomy to be their best selves in the classroom.

Small class sizes

We maintain small class sizes (maximum 14 students) so teachers can have what they went into the profession for in the first place: meaningful relationships with their students, and the space to lead rich, hands-on experiences without needing to resort to demoralizing behavior management strategies.

Staff connection and bonding

Just as we nurture the social bonds between our students, Osoberry School dedicates time and space to its teachers to enjoy each other and feel connected. When teachers join our school they join a community that likes to spend time together.

For the Families

Hours that support time to work

Traditional school hours are still set up to require one parent to either sacrifice their career in favor of being present during after-school hours, or manage too many spinning plates of care from 3-5pm. At Osoberry School, after-school enrichment is included with tuition and provides kids with a fun, safe environment to spend their afternoons. Providing this minimizes the hectic transition between school hours and aftercare. Kids get to spend their afternoons with the same people and in the same environment they enjoy during the day.

Year-round schooling and enrichment

The stress and cost of orchestrating summer camps, wondering if you’ll get in and driving your kids all over town for something different each week of summer is taxing on families’ wellbeing. When your child is enrolled in Osoberry School, you benefit from a year-round schedule where learning happens every season and schedule simplicity rules.